Effects of Cystectomy for Ovarian Endometrioma on Ovarian Response and Outcome of in Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer Cycle 卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿剥除术对IVF周期中卵巢反应性和妊娠结局的影响
It is also unique in that it placed an emphasis on the impact of a patient's age, her ovarian response, the characteristics of her cycle, and the final outcome – a birth. 此研究的独特处也在于它强调了病人年龄、卵巢反应、周期特点、以及最终结局&胎儿出生的影响。
Influence of siRNA on the ovarian carcinoma cell cycle and EGFR expression siRNA对卵巢癌细胞周期及EGFR表达的影响
The cryopreserving ovarian tissue would be advantageous in assisted reproductive techniques by eliminating the need to control the reproductive cycle of donor and conduct follicular aspiration. 它无需控制供体的生殖周期,也无需取出卵泡。同样这一技术可用于保存濒危动物或受意外伤害的人或动物的卵母细胞;
Objective To investigate the relation between ovarian blood flow resistance index ( RI) measured with color Doppler ultrasound and the dosage of pituitary desensitization medication in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation cycle. 目的探讨卵巢刺激周期垂体下调药物剂量与卵巢血流阻力指数的关系。
The Changes of the Ovarian 、 Estradiol and Progesterone Concentration of the Young Cows in the Estrous Cycle 发情周期中青年母牛卵巢、雌二醇和孕酮的变化规律
Methods Growth of follicles in natural cycle and the subsequent controlled ovarian hyper-stimulation cycle ( COH) was monitored with ultrasound in 162 IVF-ET cycles, which fell into the pregnant group and non-pregnant group. Its effect on IVF-ET outcome was analyzed. 方法162个IVF蛳ET周期,按治疗结局分为妊娠组和非妊娠组,用阴道超声监测其自然周期和随后的超排周期卵泡的生长发育情况,分析对治疗结局的影响。
Objective To explore the value of predicting ovarian response using the antral follicle count in in vitro fertilization ( IVF) cycle. 目的探讨体外受精(IVF)周期中窦卵泡数目对预测卵巢反应的价值。
Objective To study the relationship between ultrasonographic appearance of the endometrium and the blood flow of uterine artery, ovarian stroma and VEGF in the spontaneous ovulating cycle. 目的探讨自然排卵周期中子宫内膜超声形态与子宫动脉卵巢基质血流以及血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)的关系。
Results: During the mouse ovarian cycle somatostatin cells were found in the lamina propria of the endometrium and around the uterine glands and in the connective tissue among the myometrium. 结果显示,生殖周期中各期小鼠子宫内膜固有层均有生长抑素阳性细胞反应,多出现于子宫腺体周围或近肌层处固有层内,肌层间结缔组织偶见。
Objective To investigate the expression of nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 1 ( NR4A1) in human follicular cells during the ovarian cycle. 目的探讨核受体激素NR4A1在人卵巢周期中的表达和定位及其在卵泡发育中的调控机理。
Conclusions: In human ovarian cancer cells the induction of apoptosis by PTX was closely associated with mitotic arrest of cell cycle, and altered expression of Bcl-2 and Bax gene, possibly playing an important role in regulating PTX apoptosis. 结论:PTX诱发人卵巢癌细胞的凋亡与细胞分裂阻滞密切相关,Bcl-2和Bax在PTX引起人卵巢癌细胞凋亡中可能起着重要的调控作用。
Ultrastructure of luteinization of the ovarian granulosa cells during estrous cycle in rat 对正常动情周期大鼠卵巢颗粒细胞黄体化过程的电镜观察
To measure the levels of FSH LH E2 in peripheral blood in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation ( COH) cycle and to investigate the correlations between the hormones and IVF-ET outcome. 测定控制超排卵周期中不同时期外周血FSH、LH、E2水平,并探讨其与IVF结果的相关关系。
The effect of prostaglandin f_2 α on ovarian activity of guinea& pigs during various stages of the oestrous cycle 不同发情周期阶段施用前列腺素F(2α)对豚鼠卵巢活动的作用
Conclusion Transvaginal B ultrasound can effectively assess the ovarian reserve function in test tube baby cycle. 结论应用经阴道B超能有效地评估试管婴儿周期中的卵巢储备功能。
【 Conclusion 】 LTZP can regulate the ovarian artery blood flow and recovery the normal periodic changes of menstrual cycle in LUFS patients. 【结论】罗氏调经种子丸能有效调节LUFS患者卵巢动脉的血流灌注,恢复月经周期正常的变化规律。
To study the distribution of somatostatin cell and the changes of somatostatin in mouse uterus during the ovarian cycle. 为了解生殖周期中小鼠子宫生长抑素细胞分布及生长抑素含量的变化。
In the adult, new blood vessels arise via angiogenesis, a process critical for normal physiological events such as wound repair, the ovarian cycle, and endometrium remodeling. 在成年人,新生血管形成对正常生理过程如伤口修复、女性月经周期以及子宫内膜重塑至关重要。
The relationship between the pregnancy rate and the estrogen level per ovum on the day of the human chorionic gonadotrophin administration in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation cycle 超促排卵周期中人绒毛膜促性腺激素注射日每卵子雌激素水平与妊娠率的关系
The moderate ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome ( OHSS) happened in one cycle. 1个治疗周期发生中度卵巢过度刺激综合征(OHSS)。
The growth of follicles in natural cycle and the subsequent controlled ovarian hyper-stimulation cycle in IVF-ET Technique 体外受精-胚胎移植技术中自然周期和超排周期卵泡生长的观察
A study on the uterine somatostatin cells during ovarian cycle of mice 生殖周期中小鼠子宫生长抑素细胞的研究
Development; Studies on the Ovarian Follicular Waves in Estrous Cycle of Heifers 青年母牛在发情周期中卵泡发育波变化规律的研究
Prediction of Ovarian Response Using the Antral Follicle Count in in Vitro Fertilization Cycle 体外受精周期中窦卵泡数对预测卵巢反应的价值
Objective Uterin and ovarian artery hemodynamics was observed in normal ovulatory cycle of procreative women, in order to get blood stream parameter to estimate pelvic disease. 目的观察健康生育期妇女子宫、卵巢动脉在正常月经周期中血流动力学变化规律与特点,以作为判断临床疾病的血流参数。
Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation ( COH) promotes multiple follicular development that reduce cancellation rate with improvement of the pregnancy rate per cycle, but it may induce luteal insufficiency and inhibit the secretions of estrogen and progesterone, which may result in the impairment of endometrial receptivity as well. 控制性超排卵(COH)在促使多个卵泡发育,以利降低IVF-ET的周期取消率,提高成功率的同时也会引起黄体功能不足,影响雌、孕激素的分泌,降低子宫内膜容受性。
It is proved that the transplantation of human ovarian tissue ectopic nude mouse cervical subcutaneous without vascular anastomosis can survive and recover nude mice oestrous cycle and endocrine function. 人卵巢组织异体异位裸鼠颈部皮下无血管吻合移植能够存活并恢复裸鼠动情周期及内分泌功能。
Lewis y antigen promotes the proliferation of the ovarian cancer cells, accelerates cell cycle progress. 2. 结论1.Lewisy抗原促进卵巢癌细胞增殖,加快细胞周期进展。